Asian baby: GIVE ME THE ICE CREAM CONE. I will be on melting duty. This is for your own good.
Friday Image Request: "Asian baby on a motorcycle"
Asian baby in the middle: WHY AREN'T YOU CLAPPING?!?!?
Asian baby contemplates what to make for dinner
a tried and true theme: Asian baby eating its foot
Friday Reader Request: "Asian baby sticking out its tongue"
Asian baby keeping cool during a $&%#@ heat wave
Guess which one gets kids hooked on fat- and sugar-laden, overprocessed junk food? HINT: It's not the Asian baby
this Asian baby is a GOODBABY
Friday Reader Request: "Asian baby sleeping in mommy's bed"
Asian baby wearing a diaper on its head
Asian baby says: Which one of these buttons summons mommy?
Friday Reader Request: "Asian baby addicted to housewares"
Asian baby left with "the babysitters"
Asian baby in the toy car I BEGGED my mom to get me from age 3 until well after I was too large to fit in said toy car. THANKS MOM